Individual Practice - Wildlife Photography.

Individual Practice follows on from our individual study unit at university, in which we had to research the historical, technical and contextual background of a chosen field. Individual practice is a unit where we put everything we have learn't during our study to practice and develop more into our chosen field of photography.

As researched during my individual study unit my chosen field of photography is wildlife photography as I would like to enter the photographic industry in this field when I finish my degree. 
On this blog you will find my photographic journey to perfecting my skills as a professional wildlife photographer, as well as some feedback from tutors and a little extra research to back up any progression to my project.

First feedback from tutor Martyn Pearson 27/01/2014:

"Hi Nicola,
Sorry, I can't access your essay from my computer. However, looking at
your blog, you show a certain ability when making photographs, some
good material there. Can you bring this observant style to your animal
photography. Relax more when you make photos of animals and compose in
the way that you have in the past. Perhaps we can chat when I meet you
PS. Always put my feedback on your blog."

First images shot using Nikon D3000 and 70-300mm telephoto lens.

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